Why Lithium-Ion Batteries Are Used In Electric Vehicles?

Most of the people ask question that why lithium-ion batteries are used in electric vehicles? The demand of electric vehicles nowadays have spiked when compared to last couple of years.
The sales of electric vehicles depend on a number of things which include the durability, range of vehicle per charge and the battery life of the vehicle other than normal vehicles. Where, the weight of vehicle also plays a great role in handling and steering of the vehicle, also affecting the distance it can cover in a single charge.
So, an ideal power source for electric vehicle would be a source that that can deliver great power for longer period of time while keeping the weight of the vehicles in bounds. Such a source would enable the vehicle to move longer distances in single charge while the weight of vehicle would also be in limits. A lithium-ion battery provides all these features so, it is considered great for use in electric vehicles.
Factors That Justify the Use of a Battery in Electric Vehicles:
The sales of electric vehicles are rising annually. As the battery technology advances, electric vehicles perform better and their sales increase. For a battery to be used in any electric vehicle, there are a few factors that are needed to be kept in mind that include:
Battery Life
Battery life is the most important and defining factor of the battery. As, electric vehicles require a great amount of power so, they need bigger and expensive batteries. Also, vehicles are to be used for a long period of time like years, battery required in them needs to have a great battery life. It would be greatly annoying and expensive for a person to change batteries every year spending a lot of money hence depreciating the sales of electric vehicles. So, to save the consumers from losing money on batteries every year, engineers have to design such batteries that can last for years and are powerful enough to power an electric vehicle.
Battery Weight:
Weight of the car is a great factor when it comes to designing a car. If a car is too heavy, it consumes a great amount of fuel which is a great economical issue. Also, if a car is too light, its steering and handling becomes very terrible. And the chances of the car to flip over in case of any accident are multiplied. Engineers design the car while calculating the weight that lies between these two extremes. Any electric vehicle is built similar to a normal commuting vehicle that means its frame and tires and other components weigh approximately equal to normal cars. The only difference in weight is due the batteries and motors. Combustion engines might be heavy but to meet the power needs of a car, manufactures have to install big heavy batteries that might even be heavier than normal engines. So, engineers design batteries while keeping in mind their weight.
Battery’s Power Delivering Capacity:
Electric vehicles are big and heavy machines. There is a need of a great force to move these vehicles. In combustible engine cars, engine burns fuel to produce such a great force. But in electric vehicles, this is a task for the batteries and the motors. The bigger the motor, the easier it is to move the vehicle while requiring the greater amount of power. So, engineers take in to account the power delivering capacity of the battery so that it can turn motors without causing overheating. If a battery with a poor power delivering capabilities is used, it might overheat causing fires in the car which is a great safety hazard. An ideal choice for electric vehicles is such a battery that has a great power delivery capacity.
Battery’s Power Draining rate:
Another factor defining the battery for electric vehicles is its power draining rate. Often, people need cars for long trips and require greater battery capacity for travelling more distances. If a vehicle drains battery too fast, it might cause great inconveniences for the users as, it would need to be charged multiple times in a single trip costing both time and money. Engineers have to choose such a battery that drains battery slower hence providing greater efficiency. Engineers have to calculate the draining rate according to the weight and other components of the car and then a battery is decided that can provide better efficiency.
Battery’s Recharging Time:
Battery recharging time is also important to be considered in deciding a battery for any electric vehicles. Suppose you are on a trip with you family and your car runs out power due to low battery. Now, you have to recharge your battery. If the battery takes a lot of time to be recharged, it might cause great inconveniences for you and your family. So, battery with a lesser recharging time is used in electric vehicles to ensure maximum comfort.
Safety is another great defining factor of a battery. There is a life for each battery and one day, it must be replaced. Now, car manufacturers choose a battery that can be safely disposed. If a battery releases harmful chemical when disposed, so there must be treatment plants for those chemicals to avoid any kind of pollution in the environment.
Advantages of Using a Lithium-Ion Battery in Electric Vehicles:
You can find these batteries in almost every type of electronic. But you might be wondering why to use lithium ion battery? There are several reasons why a lithium-ion battery serves the best for use in electric vehicles. Some benefits of lithium-ion batteries are:
I. Great Battery Life:
Lithium-ion batteries are considered one of the most long-lasting batteries. Any lithium-ion battery can last for years if properly used. Generally a lithium-ion battery can last up to thousand fully charged and discharged cycles but there have been researches and special types of batteries have been developed for electric vehicles that can last up to twenty years. So, there is no need for battery replacement every once in a while.
II. Greater efficiency:
Lithium-ion batteries are known to provide tremendous amounts of energy while possessing a very low discharging rate. This means it is ideal for any electric vehicles, as it is capable of providing a lot more power than other typical batteries still lasting for longer distances which is a defining factor for batteries.
Also, lithium-ion batteries have advanced so much that now fast-charging technology is available for them which means lesser recharging time. So, the needs for any electric vehicle battery to provide great power without draining faster and have lesser recharging time is fulfilled by lithium-ion battery. That is why most of the electric vehicle manufacturers nowadays use lithium-ion battery.
III. Lesser Weight:
As discussed above, electric vehicles may require great power that can require more batteries hence, increasing the weight of the car. Lithium-ion batteries’ cells are capable of providing more voltage per cell compared to any other batteries which means lesser number of these batteries are capable of out performing any other battery technology. So, lithium-ion battery is a great choice for electric vehicles.
IV. Safe to dispose:
Lithium-ion batteries are very safe to dispose off. There are great battery treatment plants for these batteries almost all over the world. So, it is easier to dispose off these batteries while causing almost no pollution. Manufacturers want such batteries that can be disposed without any harm to nature. So, Lithium-ion batteries prove to be a great option for electric vehicles when safe disposal is the main issue.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lithium Ion Battery in Vehicles
Lithium Battery for Energy Storage Systems
Q1. Why are lead acid batteries generally not used in the electric vehicles?
Ans. Lead acid batteries are generally avoided in electric vehicles due to several reasons that include:
- Lead acid batteries provide lesser voltage per cell so, a greater number of such batteries is required in electric vehicles. Hence, the weight of the vehicle is compromised.
- Lead acid batteries cannot provide greater power for longer period of time without overheating just like li-ion batteries.
- Lead acid batteries need servicing on regular basis unlike lithium-ion batteries
Q2. If lithium-ion batteries are flammable, why are they used in electric vehicles?
Ans. Yes, lithium-ion batteries can catch fire only if they are damaged and their electrolyte leaks out. Basically, this electrolyte is the thing that is flammable. In electric vehicles such as tesla, li-ion batteries are placed on the floor of the vehicle in a safe compartment where the chances of them getting damaged are almost zero.
Summing Up- Why Lithium Ion Batteries Are Used in Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles are getting more and more popular each year. There are several factors that enhance or inhibit the sales of any electric vehicle. Some of these factors require a specific type of battery. So, car manufacturers have to keep in mind all these factors to successfully grow their market.
So, why lithium-ion battery are used in electric vehicles? A good electric vehicle requires a good battery that can provide maximum efficiency while lasting for years without any trouble. Also, a battery needs to provide enough power to move these electric vehicles. Lithium-ion battery is considered to possess all these features so it makes a great choice for electric vehicles.